David A. Ramey

Planning for the Unexpected and Unknown-

It is difficult enough to plan in the most predictable of times. The tyranny of the urgent can so easily disrupt our best ideas. Now with a public health pandemic, many organizations may be tempted to jettison their strategic business plans in favor of just getting through. The good old days look fantastic. #Scenario Based Planning is a tool for our time. This model encourages careful examination of a number of strategic options comparing them on a common set of success factors. Our model of scenario based planning looks at each future alternate scenario on these factors.

Mission Alignment- How well does this scenario and its attributes align with your business mission?

Competitive Advantage to Customers and Stakeholders- In detail what if any competitive advantages does the scenario hold for those you serve?

Market Potential- How and where does this scenario leverage growth potential?

Core Capabilities Leveraged- where and how does each scenario build upon and engage your workforce, facilities, technology, and assets?

Financial Rewards- What near and far term risks and rewards exist in each of your alternate future scenarios?

Just Do It - What does intuition and past experience suggest about the viability of each scenario?