Skill Set

The Strategic Leadership Profile is now online in a digital version!

Building Collaborative Leadership Capacity

How would you like to measure the collaborative leadership capacity of your teams, division, or organization?

In the book, Empowering Leaders, David Ramey suggests that the fundamental role of leadership is to build an organization’s culture of commitment and contribution.  This requires creating lasting public value for the quality of our lives, the quality of our work, and the quality of society.  In our increasingly complex, specialized, and interdependent society, leaders in all settings are compelled to become more aware of the essential connections between personal lives, organized work and public responsibilities within an organization’s culture.  As leaders, we need to build organizational collaborative leadership capacity which provide continuous and sustainable benefits to individual lives, workplaces, and society.

The Strategic Leadership Profile

Based on 32 years’ experience in consulting and writing with more than 800 organizations.  Strategic Leadership Associates has constructed a Strategic Leadership Profile that measures an individual’s profile and an organization’s collaborative leadership capacity on 24 leadership skills in three leadership capabilities:

  • Personal Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Public Leadership

Each of the questions in the Profile is answered privately and confidentially by each respondent and is designed to create an awareness of both the continuity and discontinuity among individual, work group, and organizational leadership preferences.  The validity and reliability of question items, skill sets, and skill profiles have been statistically analyzed and meet or exceed a high level of acceptability in testing standards.

The Strategic Leadership Profile

Strategic Leadership Profile is generated for each participant.  It illustrates in graph form the individual’s responses to the questions in the Profile in relation to those of his/her work group and the entire organization.  Strategic Leadership Associates can also compare a participant’s responses to its national database of leaders and organizations.

Customized Services for Using the Strategic Leadership Profile

Strategic Leadership Associates can provide ongoing or one-time support and training for your use and understanding of the Strategic Leadership Profile to improve your collaborative leadership capacity, including:

  • Senior Leadership Team Profiles
  • Departmental and Work Group Leadership Profiles
  • Board Leadership Self-Assessments

Advanced Strategic Leadership Profile Reporting

Strategic Leadership Associates offers you expanded Strategic Leadership Profile database comparisons and reports.  We can tailor your individual Profiles in several ways, including comparisons of work groups or teams, your entire organization, and to leaders in our own national database.

Fees are $99.00 per participant with a minimum of 5 participants.  Discount pricing begins at 20 or more participants.

Strategic Leadership Associates will provide you with:

  • Results of the Strategic Leadership Profile for each respondent
  • A customized Strategic Leadership Profile for each respondent in your organization
  • Questions for improvement for each profile
  • Clear definitions of leadership skill sets in each profile
  • An Executive View comparing all respondent groups in your organization

Strategic Leadership Training Services

As a follow-up to the Strategic Leadership Profile, Strategic Leadership Associates offers the following services to enhance the benefit and use of the leadership profile, including:

  • CONSULTING on building a leadership culture in your organization
  • LEADERSHIP AND TRAINING WORKSHOPS developed and conducted on-site for your organization’s identified needs revealed through the Strategic Leadership Profile
  • INDIVIDUALIZED COACHING by a trained consultant to support leadership skill development among senior leaders
  • OUR TRAINING SEGMENTS can be organized in half day or full day sessions live or by video conferencing
  • TRAINING SESSIONS are available to help support your leadership culture development

Online Access

The Strategic Leadership Profile is administered completely online.  The profile may be accessed from any place with an internet connection for the convenience of participants regardless of their location.

For more information call 937-252-2342 or email at